Game Ready Equine Back Wrap

Includes ATX Internal Heat Exchange and outer Sleeve cover


SKU: 580500 Category:


Finally, there’s a therapy solution to ease your horse’s sore back. The Game Ready® Equine Back Wrap provides cold and compression therapy to the area of the back and shoulders typically covered by a square saddle pad. The Back Wrap reaches to approximately the front of the croup. Easy to Use The Back Wrap features a unique design with plenty of adjustment points to help fit a variety of sizes and shapes of horses. A breastplate inspired design allows for fitting around the withers and shoulders, while front and back straps around the horse’s barrel accommodate a wide range of breeds. Finally, adjustable lacing along the spine of the Back Wrap allows you to tailor the fit to the top-line of your horse. Optimal pressure for the Back Wrap is medium pressure.

If you are interested in hiring one of our Game Ready units please visit our Game Ready Hire website and complete the hire request form.